4 Signs of a Faulty AC Pressure Switch in Cibolo, TX

An AC pressure switch monitors the refrigerant pressure in your building’s air conditioning system. If it senses that the pressure is too low or too high, it will shut off to protect the system from damage. Here are four signs that could indicate your AC has a faulty pressure switch in Cibolo, TX.

1. Loud and Strange Noises

A loud humming, clicking, or buzzing noise from your AC system is a sign of a faulty pressure switch. The switch may be vibrating due to improper alignment or failing altogether.

In many cases, an HVAC service tech can align the switch. If the noise continues, you may need to replace the switch.

2. AC Stopping and Starting

The AC system of your home should run at regular intervals, stopping when it reaches the temperature you set on your thermostat. If it starts and stops frequently or suddenly shuts off before reaching your set temperature, this is a sign of an AC pressure switch malfunction. This breakdown could be due to an electrical issue, or the pressure switch may need to be repaired.

3. Poor Cooling

Maintaining the pressure needed to cool the air in your building depends on the AC pressure switch. If it malfunctions, you may experience weak cooling or none. This usually indicates a problem with the pressure switch, and your AC expert should address it immediately.

4. Air Not Blowing

The AC system may sometimes start up, but no air blows through the vents. This problem results from a faulty pressure switch failing to recognize when the refrigerant pressure reaches its optimum level. Consequently, the system fails to start the air compressor, resulting in no airflow.

Fixing a faulty AC pressure switch requires the expertise of a professional. Contact Legacy Home Services if you experience these signs for AC repair services. Our technicians can diagnose and fix any problem with your air conditioner system before it leads to more serious damage.

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