5 Questions to Ask a New HVAC Contractor in Schertz, TX

As a homeowner in Schertz, TX, you strive to make your home as comfortable as possible throughout all the seasons of the year. And doing that starts with finding the right HVAC company to work with. Here are five questions you should ask an HVAC contractor before you decide to work with them.

1. Are You Licensed?

The first information you need to know is whether the city has licensed the HVAC contractor company. Legally, no business should operate without a license in Schertz, so if an HVAC company you’re considering is without a permit, chances are, they’re running a scam or they’re not qualified. Furthermore, you don’t want someone that can’t prove their expertise to handle one of your largest home investments.

Licensed contractors have passed specialized tests to prove that they know exactly what they’re doing. The state will also have to prove that they have significant experience in handling HVAC-related problems. They’re also more accountable because you can find them in the city’s national database registers—that is, if you want to prove their licensure.

2. What Certifications Do You Have?

There are four main certifications that you should ask for when interviewing an HVAC Company. They include the basic HVAC certification, EPA 608 certification, NATE certification, and HVAC Excellence certification. The first certification, which is the basic HVAC certification, proves that the contractor graduated from an HVAC training program.

EPA 608 certification shows that an HVAC company has the capability to deal with equipment that can have a negative impact on the environment. For instance, gas furnaces and boilers produce carbon monoxide gas as a byproduct of the combustion process. If the contractor doesn’t know how to handle that gas safely, you could suffer from serious health issues.

NATE certification is one of the most important certifications you should ask about. It’s not mandatory, but it proves that the HVAC company has genuine passion and experience to provide the best services to their clients. Even before getting this certification, the contractor must have hands-on experience in different areas of providing home comfort.

HVAC Excellence certification is for HVAC contractors that work in different states. If the HVAC company you’re considering only offers its services in your state, then there’s no need to ask for this. But if you know that they operate in different states, you need them to provide a certification that nationally recognizes them as a qualified company.

3. Are You Insured?

Sometimes even the best of us makes a mistake, but you should not suffer the costs of other people’s errors. Working with an insured HVAC contractor guarantees that you’ll be compensated and still get the comfortable home you want, even if something goes wrong during the process. When asking about insurance coverage, dwell more on general liability insurance, which covers damage to property and third parties.

4. How Long Have You Been in Business?

A contractor that has been in business for a long time has more experience, and you can depend on them for proper installation, repairs and maintenance services. A contractor with experience won’t guess or take a lot of time wondering what’s wrong with your system because chances are they’ve come across such a problem before. This is important to you because even if you don’t know what’s wrong with your system or how to properly describe it, they’ll figure it out by themselves.

Also, a highly experienced contractor means high-quality results. Someone who has been in the business for so long typically has exceptional knowledge in their field and will provide better results than a company that’s merely starting out.

5. How Does Your Pricing Work?

It’s important to work with someone within your budget range. However, don’t let pricing deter you from getting the best services in Schertz. Regardless, it’s best to know a contractor’s flat fee or hourly rate to gauge if you can afford their services.

If you’re looking for a professional HVAC contractor in Schertz, TX, contact Legacy Home Services Today.

Image provided by iStock

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